Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bidding goodbye to Vienna

Tomorrow morning the six of us from Chicago depart in our rented van to head toward Salzburg. Last night we found a lovely Viennese restaurant off the beaten track that was frequented for the most part by locals. It was quite awesome.

As has been the case in our last several guided tours, one person at the beginning of the excursion comes down with a cold or something and soon each day one or two more tour participants are hacking, sneezing or coughing. Proximity is the primary problem but the pace and the cold weather seem to contribute to the spread of the cold bug. The last two days have started out in the low 30s and walking/standing outside on a 3-5 hour excursion doesn't make things better.
This morning we boarded the public transportation subway to make our way to another area of the city where music and architecture abound.
Everywhere we turn our heads we are amazed by the public buildings and residences of center-city Vienna.

Here are a few shots including last night's view of the State Opera House where we had the famous Sacher Tort - double chocolate layer cake with whipped cream.

Like Berlin we walked by walls on several streets that still show the bullet holes from the Russian tank's machine gun blasts at the end of WWII.

As we passed through the neighborhoods we came to the biggest farmers' market I have ever seen - Vienna's Naschmarket. The famous Farmers Market in LA and Pike's Market in Seattle don't hold a candle to this one. We walked up and down the blocks upon blocks of stores and markets representing every ethnic group on the planet. It was really something to see.

We passed by the first Opera House in Vienna where Mozart's Magic Flute premiered. It is still in use today.

Our next stop was Belvedere Palace - home to many, many Renoir's, Monet's and Degas world famous pieces. I even snapped a photo of a 1894 painting of the Market we walked through earlier in the day.

Naschmarket in Vienna 1894

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